Wait, wait...Cuándo?

July 31st, the day school started in Chile...or that is kind of started. School here in Chile is of a whole different breed than what I, or I imagine anyone outside the boarders of Chile is used to. If the university systems in the United States and Chile were dog breeds, the U.S. would be a golden retriever puppy (Full of energy and in the teething process) and Chile would be a confused box turtle that didn't know which way to go. And yes I realize that a box turtle is not a dog, but from my experience the Chilean university system moves at about the pace of one. And that's not to say that I don't like the university system here, it's just different and something that I had to adapt too.

I am only taking four classes while I am studying in Chile, I'm taking it easy and hey give me a break all of classes are taught in Spanish which terrified me. I have been in school for a month now and of my four classes I had one that started in the first week of school (I then dropped this course within the same week because I wouldn't receive credit for it at my home university. Don't worry I enrolled in another course). It was then week two of school and with new class I had enrolled in that was the only class currently in session. Within weeks two and three there were a few class sections where the students came...but the professor did not. Again just something completely different than university back in the States. Then came week four, and finally two more of my classes started. I was then at a grand total of 3 out of my 4 classes in session. My final class will start this next coming week.

It has been a crazy month of trying to constantly figure out when and where my classes are, realizing that schedules can change, and the professors may not always show up. At the very least I'm understanding the language, and I'm feeling some what stable in my courses and of course I had to take a first day of school picture for my mom. Wish me luck and lets hope that there are no more schedule changes!


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