
I am slowly falling in love with Cochabamba. It has a certain beauty to it that is all its own. It's weather constantly confuses me, to sum it up it's like a humid dessert at over 8,000 ft in elevation. Yeah. Confusing.

Anyways, the other day was an amazing day. It was amazing for any particular reason. It was just one of those days where you smile because all you can see is the beauty in everything. It was a great day to say the least.

First off it was Friday, and knowing that I didn't have to wake up to an alarm the next day always brings a smile to my face! Then I got off work early because I had a meeting with my project coordinator downtown, so I hopped on the bus and went towards the heart of the city! I can also confidently ride the bus now! Woohoo! If I'm honest though I can only confidently ride one bus...the one that is a direct line to my neighborhood and downtown. The others are still a mystery to me.

Anyways I get downtown for my meeting and my project coordinator wasn't in his office. I was cool with it, I had my book and went to find a seat in the plaza. Any day I can read a book is a great day. About a half hour passed and I got a text from my project coordinator saying that he wasn't going to be able to make it. I was so content though that I didn't mind, I said 'no worries' and kept on reading. I decided that I should head back to my neighborhood before it got to late since the time was nearing 6. By the time I got back to my neighborhood I got off the bus a couple of blocks early so I could walk for a bit and I walked past this one house.

In the front yard of this house they had this great big orange tree with it's branches hanging over the wall. So what did I do you may ask, I jumped up and snagged one! It was on the street side so it was completely okay...just ask my mom.

I still didn't want to head back to the house yet. I now had an orange and a book what more could I need. And the weather was perfect! The air was light and there was a breeze that would gently float by that brought along the smell of fresh rain and vegetation. The sun was setting behind the mountains, covering everything in a soft yellow light. Again it was a great day.

Oh and the best part of the whole day--while I was eating my orange and reading my book a small church nearby was having a Friday mass and two nuns driving a pickup truck pulled up. In the truck there were about 10 young girls between the back seat and the bed. They all hoped out and headed into church! The nuns driving the pickup was my favorite part.

It was a good day. A content day. And don't you ever forget. The whole world smiles in the same language.


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